Frequently asked questions

Kindly check your bank statement to check if you’ve received it or you can contact the customer support team with payment & offering details.

Please contact the customer support team with payment & offering details.

You will receive a unique link after you made your purchase on WhatsApp and email. You can click on it and sign in using the registered number to join the group.

You will be added to the respective group/channel immediately. Click on the link that you’ve received after the purchase to join it.

Kindly use the mobile number you used during purchase to sign in to the group/channel. If you’re still facing issues, contact our support team.

To know the subscription end date, kindly go to my purchase and check the end date against this group/channel.

You will be added with the mobile number with which you have created a profile.

You will receive a unique link after you made your purchase on WhatsApp and email. You can click on it and sign in using the registered number to join the course. Alternatively, you may also visit your purchase history, click on this course to see the instructions.

Please visit your purchase history and select the course. Once you arrive on the detailed page you will see if this course is available on the web or if it is just available on the app.

Kindly go to My Purchases and check the validity of this course.

Please contact the customer support team with payment & course details.